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Vector NLS4021-17D

Medicomat Hunter

  Remote Scan & Therapy
Medicomat Hunter Remote

Quantum Headset
Hunter 4025

  Total Quantum Headset
Hunter and Vector

Apply for FREE health test and whole body examination at home

Total Bioresonance Quantum Headset on Medicomat.Cloud Health Platform
Medicomat-3 Hunter 4025 and VectorExpert Software Online Cloud Version
state of the art bioresonance computer system for diagnosis and treatment

Everyone Can be Healthy With Mobile Medicomat Quantum Headset  
Now you can travel and live wherever you want, without fear of viruses and diseases, as always with you can be mobile Quantum Headset and Medicomat.Cloud health platform.

Mobile Health Services via Quantum Headset
With the latest quantum bioresonance technology, we can now provide diagnosis and therapy sessions without our customers ever having to leave the comfort of their own homes. This live remote cloud format can be used for any health condition.

It only takes 10 minutes to see for yourself the accuracy of the quantum diagnosis and the effectiveness of the quantum therapy provided by the Medicomat.Cloud quantum health platform.

The First and Only Bioresonance Cloud

The Most Powerful Quantum System That Can Work With The Two Best Bioresonance Software
1) VectorExpert multi-language software (44 languages) is the most comprehensive bioresonance software that shows the largest number of health parameters and some very attractive features such as: automatic scanning and therapy of selected system, aura and chakra scanning and therapy, physiotherapy, genetic predisposition, vaccine, age timeline, etc. 
2) Meta Hunter is newer more powerful software that penetrates deeper into the tissue, down to the level of molecules. Therefore, it is more effective in treating serious diseases and destroying viruses and bacteria. Also, Hunter is much more automated software and is therefore easier to handle. Hunter creates a table with the biggest health problem at the top, others are further ranked lower according to the severity of the problem.

Conventional medicine has reached its limits and there is no solution for viruses, bacteria and many diseases. Quantum energy medicine can scan and treat much deeper up to the level of DNA and molecule and therefore can be much more successful in many cases. Quantum bioresonance is the only technology that can detect and eliminate viruses and bacteria from the body. Learn more about it and thus save health and life for yourself and your family or customers. Make a quantum leap and learn more about it and don't allow yourself occurrence of any health problem or get sick from the virus and be hospitalized.

Accessible and Affordable Health Care for Everyone

Quantum Headset Medicomat The First and Only Quantum Headset

You will no longer have to buy desktop healthcare equipment, as mobile Quantum Headset that gives you access to the strongest bioresonance machine software Meta Hunter and VectorExpert in the online cloud version for unlimited diagnostics and therapies for you and your family or your customers.

Our goal is that everyone can have their own smart Quantum Headset and through Medicomat.Cloud health platform to periodically check the health and treat yourself at home or anywhere.

Sit down comfortably in your favorite chair, put on the Medicomat Headset and perform all diagnostic and therapeutic procedures - quick, painless, harmless, non-invasive.

Accurate Diagnosis and Effective Treatment
Protect yourself and your family from viruses and bacteria, and what your overall blood count, which organs have weakened or become diseased, whether any disease will occur in the next 3-5 years, what foods are good for you, what are you allergic to. Then perform the therapy, first kill viruses and bacteria, and then recover the cells, tissues and organs. Detect the virus at an early stage and destroy it immediately in one session. Medicomat coronavirus test lasts 3 minutes and another 5 minutes should destroy it, as in the video on demand. Occasionally perform a scan and preventive therapy with Medicomat.Cloud and you can not get sick from the virus and be hospitalized.

Stay Healthy at Any Age
Check your health daily or occasionally and treat yourself or with the help of a remote therapist. Do a virus test in 3 minutes, and only half an hour is enough for a quick examination of the whole body and therapy. A normal and detailed examination with analysis and therapy can take 1-2 hours in your favorite chair.

Who are the 'Remote Therapists'?
Medicomat.Cloud therapist services are provided by highly trained professionals dedicated to the care and comfort of our customers. These sessions are individualized, one-on-one, and interactive between the client and the remote therapist.

Now doctors can work remotely because they have Medicomat.Cloud the best and most affordable telehealth equipment, which is the only one that offers real therapy, not just monitoring. We welcome trained bioresonance therapists and doctors of all specialties from any part of the world to participate in the Medicomat Cloud and to involve their customers. Just like an in-person visit, track your patients' health and apply the necessary therapies to any physical or emotional state. No investment is required for your practice to double the number of customers. Encourage your customers to purchase or rent a Quantum Headset from you.

Testing Yourself Treat Yourself
The Medicomat Quantum Headset comes with the instruction manuals, step-by-step video training and online support for your successful start. Of course, for more serious health problems, be sure to contact remote therapist or your doctor.

How It Works

All the information about the state of your body is delivered to the brain. We use special trigger sensors which are shaped as Quantum Headsets in order to connect to it. Furthermore, we use cutting-edge software in order to obtain this data, to decode it and to create an onscreen display in the form of three-dimensional models of organs, tissues and cells. Software is specially designed for the detection and destruction of viruses and bacteria, as well as for deep therapy in severe diseases or diseases that regular medicine does not solve.

Medicomat age timeline genetic

Medicomat aura chakras

Step 1. Scanning
Automatic full body scan takes from a few minutes to half an hour. In healthier people, the scan takes less time. When there are major health problems then each problem is deeply scanned and then the process takes longer.

VectorExpert ScanningVectorExpert

Hunter ScanningHunter

Step 2. Analysis of diagnostic results obtained by scanning
Medicomat provides a multitude of diagnostic parameters and the most important thing we find in Tables Patomorphology, Microorganisms (viruses and bacteria), Allergens and Food. Here we find out if there is a virus or bacteria, what is the total blood count, which organs are weakened or diseased, will any disease appear in the next 3-5 years, which food is good and which food should be avoided, is there allergy.

If there is a stronger disease or virus then that information is written in red (with number less than 0.425) and is at the top. Numbers greater than 1.0 or ∞ mean that the disease does not exist. Therefore, here are the most important numbers that stand before the name of the disease or virus. The number that describes the value of Optimum Distribution is very important, because it shows the condition of the organ or tissue. If this number is less than 1.3 it means that the organ has weakened.

In the table we can see foods in black and these are good to eat, foods in pink are neutral and foods in red should be avoided. The numbers in front also determine food intolerance even more precisely.

VectorExpert Analysis diagnosticVectorExpert

Hunter Analysis diagnosticHunter

Step 3. Therapy
After the analysis of the obtained results, the therapy is approached, first kill viruses and bacteria, and then recover the cells, tissues and organs. During therapy, the system immediately shows how successful the therapy is. The most effective therapy is if we first work on therapy the lowest molecular level, then the DNA, chromosome, cell, tissue, and then on the organ.

Detect the virus at an early stage and destroy it immediately in one session as shown in the video on demand.

VectorExpert coronavirusVectorExpert

Hunter coronavirusHunter

These are basic procedures that are simple and anyone can learn them and do testing and therapy. Of course, for more serious health problems, be sure to contact remote therapist or your doctor.

Perform a daily (10 min) test and preventive therapy with Medicomat.Cloud and you can not get sick from the virus.
Watch the product video at

VectorExpert multi-language software is available in 44 languages.
Hunter Software is available in English, Spanish, German, French, Italian, Turkish, Chinese, Croatian.
To insure our machine work perfect, we also sell it with Laptop which has all the software.
Operation System: Windows 10 Pro

Buy now!
Quantum Headset and Medicomat.Cloud Subscription Licensing (Hunter + Vector) $4,485.00
Quantum Headset and Medicomat.Cloud Subscription Licensing (Hunter + Vector) with Laptop $5,985.00

Provided the instruction manuals, step-by-step video training and online support for your successful start.
Shipments are sent out via traceable courier service. The warranty on the Quantum Headset is 12 months. Medicomat.Cloud Subscription Licensing is provided and guaranteed for 3 years. Technical support is provided even after the expiration of these periods.

Medicomat Video:

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